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Selectboard Agenda 08/22/2016
BOARD/COMMITTEE: Board of Selectmen

DATE:  August 22, 2016  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME: 5:00 PM

LOCATION: ~Princeton Center, 18 Boylston Avenue

REQUESTED BY: Stan Moss, Chair, BoS
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


New Business
  • Proposed Broadband Borrowing – Within or Exempt from Proposition 2 ½
  • Massachusetts State Police WIVES – Blue Ribbons on Utility Poles
  • Accept Fidelity Bank Donation to Council on Aging Barbeque
  • Krashes Field Internet – Options for Restoring Internet
  • Parks & Recreation Dir. & Council on Aging Dir./Princeton Center Mgr. Positions
Old Business
  • WRSD Lease and Maintenance Agreements for TPS

Public Comment

Town Administrator’s Reports

Minutes for July 28th, August 8th and August 16th & Sign Warrants FY’17 – 4

Upcoming Meetings

DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                           TIME            LOCATION

Aug. 29         Possible Special Meeting                5:00 PM TBD     
Sept. 6         Regular Meeting (Tuesday)               5:00 PM TBD
Sept. 7         Attend Advisory Comm. Hearing   7:00 PM TBD     
Sept. 13                Special Town Meeting                    TBD             Heritage Bible Chapel